
Being on red alert

[youtube=] When you’re on red alert your brain feels as if it’s going hay wire. Thoughts, nightmares and low energy may inundate,and overwhelm you at this time. this is like having your coolant drain from your race car and you’ve just got done driving in the Indianapolis 500. Your on red alert, and it’s time …

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Find a good Counselor Who…..

[youtube=] Find a good Counselor Who….. 1.Believes you 2.does not want a friendship out side of therapy. 3.Doesn’t push forgiveness or recollection. 4.keeps focus on you not the abuser. 5.never minimized your pain. 6.Has or willing to get info for your healing. they talk about there own problems? 8.respects your feelings 9.encourages contact with …

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The Peace of Mind Box

The Peace of Mind Box When your is mind is full of trouble, and you need some healthy distractions, try a piece of mind box. For this tool, you’ll need a box. Wood, metal, plastic, any kind of box or even an porcelain piggy bank, even a paper pinatas . the piggy bank or pinatas …

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Blessing beads

[youtube=] My jewlery has always been  important to me, rings necklaces I would ware not only were fashionable but made me feel as though I was protected. my tiger eye necklace I wore for years before it broke. Now I have personally empowered My wedding ring. It reminds me that I’m loved and that most …

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Forgiveness…. Why?

Many of you couldn’t imagine forgiving an attacker. This takes time to do. You must first make peace with yourself; and come to terms with what has happened. Imagine yourself at a crossroad: In one direction is peace and happiness; the other is pain and hate. You cannot go both ways; so you must choose …

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Write, right! With all your Might.

[youtube=] Expressing your self through art/writing was a very important part of my healing. All of the feelings I had I would put to poetry. Now; be careful: Don’t get in a rut just writing your ‘sad’ poetry. Try to write inspirational poems; or love poems… even if you are far from those feelings. It …

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Carry a Mirror and Take Care of Yourself.

[youtube=] One can’t help or take care of anyone properly, if they can’t help themselves first. Make a plan, start a routine.  Take on less responsibilities, until better Circumstances. Remember, some people, or situations must wait until you can properly preform.   take care of ones appearance and hygiene.  Lastly, don’t give of yourself if you …

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